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Class 7: Fundulopanchax sjoestedi (Blue Gularis)

Diaz fish, left; Schwiengerath fish, right. 1st and second place fish, AKA 1988  Show.
1st -  1st Diaz 88pts

1st Diaz; US Blue; 88pts
2nd Schwiengerath; US Blue 72pts
3rd Steinkuhler DKG Blue 65pts

The top photos is the first and second place winner. The photo below is the first place male, all in my tanks.
3rd -  3rd place, 84 pts, Ostrow
1st Allen; Dwarf Red; 86pts
2nd Zahn; Dwarf Red 85pts
3rd Ostrow; Aquarium Strain 84pts
2nd -  DKG Blue Schulz 77pts
1st - Ramsey 78 pts
2nd - Schulz/DKG 77 pts
3rd - Dwarf Red Allen 71 pts
1st -  Gary Greenwood 95 pts
1st Gary Greenwood 95pts
2nd John Clairmont 93pts
3rd David Ramsey 87pts
1st -  Loe Thornton; 94 pts
2nd -  Niger Delta Thornton; 93 pts 3rd -  US Blue Thornton; 90 pts
Detroit, Thornton
For the first time ever a Cameroon form, from Loe won the Gularis class, a Niger Delta male came second while a standard blue gularis came third.
1st -  Louge; 93 pts
2nd -  Warri Kostich; 92 pts 3rd -  Wasley; 91 pts
1st -   Thornton 92 pts
3rd -  Thornton 89 pts
2nd Kostich Funge[ADL-13-39] 90 pts
1st -  De Souza Thornton 98 pts
Thornton1st De Souza Thornton 98 pts
2nd Line 10 Thornton 93 pts
3rd De Souza Thornton 91 pts
1st -  USA Blue Thornton 95 pts
2nd -  USA Blue Thornton 92 pts
Thornton 7-01 Jim Kostich Fp. sjoestedti [LOE] 80
7-02 Bryon Thornton Fp. sjoestedti [LOE] 87
7-03 Bryon Thornton Fp. sjoestedti Line 15 93 2nd
7-04 Bryon Thornton Fp. sjoestedti Line 15 88
7-05 Bryon Thornton Fp. sjoestedti USA Blue 95 1st
7-06 Bryon Thornton Fp. sjoestedti Niger Delta 92 3rd
1st -  Epperson 84 pts
2nd -  Epperson 80 pts 3rd -  Dwarf Red Kostich 70 pts
1st -

VRx Copyright 2024
Richard J. Sexton