Info Species Names Crypts Plant species Enclycloaquaria CoF
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | n | o | p | q | r | S | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | m
SAI | SAK | SAN | SAO | SAT | SBI | SCA | SCE | SCH | SCI | SCL | SCR | SDA | SDD | SDS | SEE | SEG | SEP | SER | SEX | SEY | SGN | SHE | SHI | SID | SIE | SIG | SII | SIM | SIN | SIO | SIR | SKE | SKI | SLC | SLD | SLF | SLI | SLK | SLS | SLU | SLZ | SMI | SMO | SMS | SNI | SNL | SNS | SNT | SOJ | SOP | SPD | SPE | SPI | SPK | SPL | SPM | SPO | SPP | SPS | SPU | SPX | SRT | SSI | SSM | SSS | STA | STC | STF | STI | STL | STN | STP | STR | STS | STU | STV | STY | STZ | SUR | SUS | SVT | SWO | SYM | species | SJO
S killifish
The "S" killifish
Species List

Nothobranchius sainthousei
Mweshi -

Nothobranchius sainthousei


Epiplatys sangmelinensis

Apricaphanius saourensis

Apricaphanius saourensis

Nothobranchius sagittae
Isenye -

Nothobranchius sagittae

Epiplatys (Epiplatys) chaperi samborskii
WAC_2018 -

Epiplatys chaperi samborskii

Rivulus scalaris

Rivulus scalaris


Fundulopanchax scheeli

Fundulopanchax scheeli


Aphyosemion schoutedeni

There are no known photos of the true SCH. The ones that claim to be are not. Ref: Van Der Zee (pers. comms.)

Fundulus sciadicus

Fundulus sciadicus

Moema schleseri
Rio_Itaya -
Ushpa_Cano -

Moema schleseri

Epiplatys chaperi schreiberi
Kumasi -
WAC2018 -

Epiplatys chaperi schreiberi

Maratecoara splendida

Maratecoara splendida

Anatolichthys splendens

Anatolichthys splendens

Aphyosemion seegersi

Aphyosemion seegersi

Nothobranchius seegersi

Nothobranchius seegersi


Kryptolebias sepia

Itacarimbi -

Hypsolebias sertanejo

Pronothobranchius seymouri Ghaloz 03-16 - kardashiev collection
Kasseh -

Pronothobranchius seymouri

Leptopanchax sanguineus

Leptopanchax sanguineus

Looks like L. splendens but may not be as it has zigzag lines not bars.

Epiplatys chaperi sheljuzhkoi
Ghana -
Ivory_Coast -

Epiplatys chaperi sheljuzhkoi

Hypsolebias shibattai
Bom_Jesus_da_Lapa -

Hypsolebias shibattai

Callopanchax sidibeorum
CI -  GM_08-02 -
GM_97-2 -    GMC_22-11 -  Bombokore

Callopanchax sidibeorum

Rivulus (Cynodonichthys) siegfriedi

Rivulus uroflammeus siegfriedi

Rivulus strigatus

Rivulus strigatus

Fundulus similis

Fundulus similis

Simpsonichthys (Hypsolebias) similis

Simpsonichthys similis

Aphyosemion schioetzi
Massembo_Loubaki -
Minduli -   z91.1 -

Aphyosemion schioetzi

Aphaniops sirhani

Aphaniops sirhani

Nothobranchius skeletoni
Bujora -
Nyanguge -

Nothobranchius skeletoni

Melanorivulus schuncki

Melanorivulus schuncki

Aplocheilichthys spilauchen

Aplocheilichthys spilauchen

Anatolichthys saldae

Anatolichthys saldae


Fundulus stellifer

Micropanchax scheeli

Micropanchax scheeli

Rivulus (Owiyeye) sladkowskii

Rivulus sladkowskii

Atlantirivulus simplicis

Atlantirivulus simplicis

Aphyosemion schluppi

Aphyosemion schluppi

Aphaniops stoliczkanus
Gujarat -

Aphaniops stoliczkanus

Scriptaphyosemion schmitti

Scriptaphyosemion schmitti


Spectrolebias semioccelatus

Esmaeilius shirini

Esmaeilius shirini

Fundulus seminolis

Fundulus seminolis

Rivulus santensis

Rivulus santensis

Simpsonichthys santanae
Ribeirao_de_Santana -   (

Simpsonichthys santanae

Nothobranchius sonjae
Tabora -

Nothobranchius sonjae

Esmaeilius sophiae - IR-G 2014, Cheshme Ali Spring - Kavir
Namak_Lake -

Esmaeilius sophiae

Anablepsoides speciosus

Anablepsoides speciosus

Pachypanchax sparksorum
Ankofia -

Pachypanchax sparksorum

Aphyosemion (Raddaella) splendidum
DRC Djiri
HZ_86-9 Owando RC_23-8

Aphyosemion splendidum

Epiplatys chaperi spillmanni
Bonoua -

Epiplatys chaperi spillmanni

Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi

Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi

Leptopanchax splendens

Leptopanchax splendens

Aphyosemion spurelli
Agboville -   Amama -   (GH 96) Bouake -   CI -
EriMakougie -   Fumbo -   IR_AS_2012 Kutunse -   Loc_9 -   Mpesium -   Offumpo -  5° 57' N 4° 27' W WAC-GH Yapo -

Aphyosemion spurelli

"The difference in DNA between F. walkeri and F. spurelli is bigger than that between F. arnoldi and F. filamentosum" - JVDZ, Dec 2018, FB.

Fluviphylax simplex

Fluviphylax simplex

Nothobranchius serengetiensis

Nothobranchius serengetiensis

Paraphanius similis

Paraphanius similis

Hypsolebias splendissimus

Hypsolebias splendissimus

Hypsopanchax stiassnyae

Hypsopanchax stiassnyae

Moema staecki

Moema staecki

Hylopanchax stictopleuron
CI -
Makokou -   Makoua -

Hylopanchax stictopleuron

Llanolebias stellifer

Llanolebias stellifer


Nothobranchius steinforti

Hypsolebias stellatus

Hypsolebias stellatus


Rivulus stagnatus

Paraphanius striptus

Paraphanius striptus

Pantanodon stuhlmanni
Koreni -

Pantanodon stuhlmanni

Nothobranchius streltsovi

Nothobranchius streltsovi

Aphaniops stiassnyae

Aphaniops stiassnyae

"Distinguished from all other Lebias by the following combination of characters: lower jaw sharply upturned, nearly perpendicular to body axis, a condition present among congeners only in L. splendens; teeth conical rather than tricuspid as in all Lebias species except L. asquamatus; cephalic neuromast system open, not in closed canals as in the L. dispar/L. fasciatus group; interarcual cartilage absent versus present in all congeners except L. asquamatus; pectoral fins obliquely set rather than horizontal as in all congeners; large size, approaching 91 mm TL versus maximum body size of 70 mm TL for cogeners (the syntopic population of L. dispar approaches a maximum of 47 mm TL)."

Getahun, A., & Lazara, K. J. (2001). Lebias stiassnyae: A New Species of Killifish from Lake Afdera, Ethiopia (Teleostei: Cyprinodontidae). Copeia, 2001(1), 150–153. doi:10.1643/0045-8511(2001)001[0150:lsanso];2

Rhexipanchax schioetzi

Rhexipanchax schioetzi

Anatolichthys  sureyanus

Anatolichthys sureyanus

Rivulus (Melanorivulus) salmonicaudatus HVP 2016-2
Garcas -

Rivulus salmonicaudatus

Hylopanchax silvestris

Fundulopanchax schwoiseri
Malende -

Fundulopanchax schwoiseri

Nothobranchius symoensi
Sitambuli -
Tshonde -

Nothobranchius symoensi

Undescribed species
Africa -
America -

as yet undescribed

New and not as of yet described species known only by their collection and locality data; that is, the best we can do is refer to them as, for example: "Pachypanchax species Betsiboka" which would mean "the Pachypanchax (probably! no guarantees!) species that is from Betsiboka".

VRx Copyright 2024
Richard J. Sexton