SJO - Fundulopanchax (Gularopanchax) sjostedti "xrefs"
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female | art | planted | fry | juvenile | location | show winners | similar | strains | XREFS
1895 Lonnberg | 1915 Schjerning | 1932 Moody | 1964 Siegal | 1971 Hoppe | thornton
External References
External References


Lonnberg's original description of F. sjostedti

"Originally as sjöstedti; since name is not of German origin [Art.], the species should be sjostedti and not sjoestedti. The fact that the name of the Swedish collector is printed as Sjöstedt does not make a difference." - Eschemeyer, Catalog of Fishes.



Udgivet af Akvarieforeningen
Udarejdet Af
H. A. Scherning
Hamburger & Lange Bogtrykkeri
Aquarium Handbook
Published by Aquarium Association
Prepared By
H. A. Scherning
Hamburger & Lange Bogtrykkeri



by Alan Moody. Photo by William T. Innes in 1920. In Exotic Aquarium Fishes (various editions) Innes mentions this was the first aquarium fish photograph taken in Natural Light.


US Import

Previous to 1964, Blue Gularis in the US were small, pale fish from Germany, tank bred imports quite possibly dating back to Anold's original 1910 importation. Then, the first wild imports appeared in America; a description of thew fish and their care and multiple ways to breed them are outlined.


King of the Killies

by Paul Hoppe

Note the photo the editor picked here was "Roloffia occidentals" the golden pheasant, not "Aphyosemion sjostedti" the blue gularis. These two fish have been mixed up all through history.

The Gularis Lecture

Bryon Thornton giving a one hour talk on Gularis strains, diet, and Breeding techniques.

sjostedti, Fundulus Lönnberg [E.] 1895:191 [Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-akademiens Forhandlingar v. 52 (no. 3); ref. 14584] Waterfall of the Ndian River (4°57'N, 8°53'E) and Bonge, western Cameroon. Syntypes: ZMUU 272 (2). Type catalog: Wallin 1996:61 [ref. 32133]. Originally as "sjöstedti"; since name is not of German origin [Art.], the species should be "sjostedti" and not "sjoestedti". The fact that the name of the Swedish collector is printed as Sjöstedt does not make a difference.

•Valid as Aphyosemion sjoestedti [sic] (Lönnberg 1895) -- (Wildekamp et al. 1986:236 [ref. 6198] with a holotype [no holotype was established originally], Seegers 1988:49 [ref. 19980], Romand in Lévêque et al. 1992:601 [ref. 21590]).

•Valid as Fundulopanchax sjostedti (Lönnberg 1895) -- (Wildekamp 1996:207 [ref. 23649], Murphy & Collier 1997:797 [ref. 25585], Lazara 2001:135 [ref. 25711], van der Zee et al. 2007:109 [ref. 30034] as sjoestedti, Collier 2019:32 [ref. 37884]).

Current status: Valid as Fundulopanchax sjostedti (Lönnberg 1895). Nothobranchiidae. Distribution: West-central Africa: Cameroon. Habitat: freshwater.


Note that the type specimens were from Cameroon, but the fish is also common in coastal Nigeria. Vin Cutty (pers. comms. ~1987) reported seeing them in saltwater off the Niger Delta in the 1970s

VRx Copyright 2024
Richard J. Sexton